Second day : Parallel Lab

As Florian already told you this second day was really intense in discovery and knowledge. Nevertheless we should not forget that innovation is not only about science and market, but it is also closely linked to art. This is indeed the reason why we have our designers: add another dimension to our product and reinforce our value proposition.

So this day I went with our three designers to visit Parallel Lab (see Géraldine and Caroline welcomed us in their tiny firm created five years ago and told us their own story of Hong Kong and entrepreneurship.


First of all, one important thing to mention is that they are no business women, they are architects from the EPFL who started their own company following their intuition, their dream and their guts.
Really impressive is the fact that they settled in Hong Kong because they were intrigued by the back lanes, tiny public corridors between impressive buildings that the citizens have taken up in various ways. This phenomenon inspired them to design a portable chair for their research, which finally led to a book.

STAG-by-parallel-lab_Picture-3_DTMoreover they are not the traditional architect, especially for Hong Kong. In fact they always balanced their energy between research and practice where they built various environments by playing with space and the spatial experience.


For example, one of their latest project is a working/exhibition space in Hong Kong for the Zurich University of Arts, which wanted to create bonds in this incredible city. This is where the idea of a tunnel connected the both city emerged, but the main difficulty was to create a flexible environment that could be used for very different occasions.


We went out of this interview fully inspired and convinced that art has its rightful place in innovation, sometimes as a business of its own or sometimes, like CHIC, as a crucial element of a diverse team.


photo by Mélanie

CHIC 2015 – Presentations @ 2nd milestone

May 1

The 2nd milestone of CHIC was held on labour day! The 3 teams presented their progress in front of their colleagues and experts from the different schools involved in the project (EPFL, UNIL and ecal). You can find out what the teams have achieved in 10 weeks of intensive work by clicking on the logos below. All teams had demos (e.g., fimi).

VestaTextLogo Capture d’écran 2015-03-13 à 11.16.31 logo fimi

You can also find the PCB files for each team on GitHub:

Congratulations to all teams!

CHIC 2015 – 1st milestone

March 13
Today we had the first reunion of all the teams since the kick-off week-end. Each team had 15 minutes to present the progress of their project, including the problem statement, the business model, the sketches and rendering, technical solutions, etc. All three teams did extremely well! You can look at their presentations below.

logo vestaCapture d’écran 2015-03-13 à 11.16.31logo fimi

La “Silver Economie”

“La silver économie ou économie des séniors désigne l’ensemble des activités économiques liées au personnes âgées. Résultante de l’accroissement de l’espérance de vie, le développement de la silver économie est égalemment lié au phénomène démographique du Papy boom ” [WIKIPEDIA]

2 billion people will be aged 60 and older by 2050 globally. This represents both challenges and opportunities. (source: WHO)

Sans titre

Percentage of adult internet users in each age group.

Entre 2000 et 2050, le nombre de personnes âgées de plus de 80 ans dans le monde sera multiplié par quatre pour atteindre 400 millions, selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé.

Le nombre de seniors connectés augmente — 17,35 millions des plus de 65 ans devraient posséder une tablette en Europe en 2014 selon le cabinet Forrester Research

What would a nurse do?

After some interviews with nurses we now have a better understanding of what a baby needs and believe more than ever that our project can assist babies around the world in their everyday No.1 task: Getting all the delicious milk they need to grow up happy and healthy!

Make sure to check out our progress and that of the other teams in the “Projects” section!